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“You are pregnant and you are powerful. You are bold and you are beautiful. Go forward in your boldness, in your beauty and in your contentedness. Trust your body to birth and know that the collective power of women worldwide will be with you.” – Unknown Author
Pregnancy is a wonderful and the most amazing time and of course a blessing for every woman. The feeling of carrying a baby inside our body is so phenomenal that cannot be compared to any other feeling in the world. With all the fabulous emotions of carrying a tiny life within, also come the challenges of being sick and depressed. But that is the beauty of being pregnant. We know women shy away from the camera with a big belly, but remember the benefits that come with being pregnant- that luminous glow. And one day, you and your baby would want to cherish this time and how you carried him within the self for those nine months. It is the time to enjoy and cherish every moment with Pregnancy Scrapbook Album.
Pregnancy Journal Scrapbook lets you keep all the memories alive in an alluring customized photobook designed only for you. From a glowing skin to unexpected cravings to mood swings to over caring husband, Maternity Scrapbook keepsake is the best gift for expecting mothers.
Scrapbookist, founded by a mother to a pretty daughter relates to the emotions of being pregnant, hence gives special care while creating customized Pregnancy and Baby Scrapbook. It comes in various sizes and structure from 1st to the last trimester, moods and cravings during all trimesters, ultrasounds and doctors’ visits and most importantly the wait for the little angel.
In India, where the sex-determining is not legal, it is a wonderful anxiety that soon moms-to-be have and enjoys the prophecy by friends and family. With this in mind, ScrapBookist uses gender neutral theme for Pregnancy and Baby Scrapbook for expecting mothers.
Scrapbookist has defined Pregnancy Journal Scrapbook in two ways as below:
A belly Book lets you journal the 9 months about you and your growing belly. It is organized trimester wise and also prompts you for writing about the food cravings, morning sickness, maternity clothes you hated to wear (or might never want to see again)
The Nine Months is a journal about you and your better half. It lets you organize the nine months along with soon-to-be a dad, your cravings, his care, your mood swings and his helplessness.
Order your customized Pregnancy Scrapbook Album today with Scrapbookist.